Case studies selected for this online tool help to illustrate the steps involved in assessing landslide risk and developing NBS solutions to address that risk as part of integrated solutions. The table below summarizes the case study deep-dives that have been referenced in the tool thus far; clicking on the links in the table connects the user to a more detailed treatment of each case study.

For each case study, the tool provides an introduction to the case; detail on the data and methodology employed and the results obtained; information on NBS solutions considered and how these were integrated into the project; and, finally, a list of some key takeaways from each case study relevant to teams exploring NBS solutions for landslide risk reduction.

Case Study Examples Illustrating LRA
Case Study Sector Scale
ThinkHazard (GFDRR) DRM Global
GFDRR Africa National Landslide Risk Profiles DRM National
Sierra Leone Multi-City Hazard Review and Risk Assessment DRM Sub-national: Urban (Freetown, Makeni, and Bo)
Kaligandaki Landslide Assessment Environment Sub-national: Landscape
Geohazard Risk in Transport Sector Selected Projects Roads Sub-national: Project-level